Gods unchanging Promises to Israel

According to the book of Jeremiah, the Messianic hope contains the fulfillment of all of God's promises to Israel, as seen through and framed by the covenants. The book anticipates the nation's restoration in a sanctifies Jerusalem ruled by the Son of David, the righteous Branch. This Messianic hope is discussed in Jeremiah 33:14-26 in the context of several significant aspects of God's covenants with Israel, such as the fulfillment of the Abrahamic Covenant, the perpetuity of the Davidic Covenant, and the demonstration of God’s mercy as expressed through the New Covenant. After providing an overview of the passage from a dispensational, Messianic Jewish perspective, Dr. Fruchtenbaum presents and discusses an example of allegorical interpretation.

Read the Full article in the Ariel Magazine Winter 2022/volume1 #45 Pages 11-16: Click HERE to download. 

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